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Are you seeking to manage stress more effectively and build resilience in your everyday life?

Join us for an 8-week transformative journey through Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Resiliency Training. This program is designed to equip you with practical mindfulness skills and techniques to enhance your well-being, reduce stress, and cultivate emotional resilience.

This program is suitable for anyone interested in managing stress, improving emotional resilience, and cultivating a mindful approach to life. No prior experience with mindfulness or meditation is necessary.

Program Highlights:

  •  Weekly themed sessions to build on your understanding and practice of mindfulness.
  • Guided meditations to deepen your experiential learning.
  • Practical exercises and techniques to integrate mindfulness into your daily life.
  • Group discussions and partner exercises to enhance learning and community support.Classes will be held weekly for 8 weeks, each session lasting 75 minutes.

Start Date: October 1st, 2024
Classes are offered Tuesdays 6PM-7:15

Subscribing (autopay)  Members: $45 for the full series
Non-Members: $125 for the full series

First and foremost, we are so grateful for your support. YOU, are the reason we are still here to re-open. Thank you.

In addition to our ongoing virtual classes, we are slowing (and safely) re-opening our in-person classes. We look forward to welcoming you back to the studio as we move through our first phase of re-opening.


We are all in this together. To make sure as many people have the opportunity to practice during Phase 1, please adhere to the following.

  • Limit 4-Classes live classes / week (on the honor system, for now)
  • Required Preregistration Online (up to 7 days in advance)
  • WAIT LIST procedures will be communicated through email and text via MindBody (turn on those notifications)
  • $25 LATE CANCELLATION FEE (6-Hour Cut-off)


STEP 1: Complete our New Liability Waiver and Release.

We require a new Liability Waiver before you can register and attend any public class. You will be emailed a link for this registration once you sign up for class.

STEP 2: Preregister for Class ONLINE

Our system and website are updated to present both Virtual classes and In-studio classes. It may seem confusing at first, but take some time to orient yourself with the new navigation. Check and recheck to ensure whether you have signed up for a VIRTUAL or an IN-STUDIO class!

Reservations for a single day’s classes can be made 7 days prior to the start of that day.

STEP 3: Don’t Forget: Update Your Calendar!

As our IN-STUDIO classes are limited in space, we have implemented a WAITLIST and a LATE CANCELLATION FEE policy so that the hot room can be utilized to its maximum current capacity, with no unclaimed reserved spaces.

We understand that plans can change, but to allow waitlist students enough preparation time to get to class, you will be charged a LATE CANCELLATION FEE of $25 if you do not cancel your IN-STUDIO class reservation at least 6-hours prior to the class start time.

For WAITLIST students, if you receive a text and/or email message from us that you have been activated off the waitlist, please be courteous to reply quickly so the next student on the waitlist can be notified if you cannot attend.

STEP 4: Get Ready!

As a reminder, class sizes will be limited to 10 students, so preregistration is required! Drinking fountains, lockers, and showers are closed (but restrooms are open).

Bring everything you need. There will be NO mat and towel rentals, so come in well-hydrated and well-prepared, wearing your PPE.

Ensure that you arrive early (15 – 20 minutes before class) and ESIGN our NEW Liability & Release Form ahead of time (STEP 1).


Wear a Mask While Entering the Studio
Wear a mask or bandana covering nose and mouth at all times except when on the mat in the practice room. You may remove your mask once on your mat.

Physical Distance
Practice 6 ft. physical distance from other students/staff members. See floor markings around the lobby and in the practice room.

NO symptoms or exposure to COVID-19.
Do not enter premises if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have traveled out of the country in the last 2 weeks.

Practice Good Hygiene
Wash hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, do not touch your face, and cough or sneeze into a cloth or your elbow. BRING a separate cloth to cough or sneeze into and another to wipe up the floor around your space in the practice room.

Bring ALL items Into Class (phone off)
Bring a plastic bag for your sweaty mat/towel when class is over, bring an extra towel to wipe up your area after class, please.

Entrance and Exit Flow
Please line up outside the front of the studio using sidewalk markings as a guide for social distancing. Approximately 15 minutes before class we will open keep propped open the front door. Please allow only one student at sign up desk. You will be asked to wait either standing or sitting on a (sanitized) bench in the hallway outside the practice room.

This Way, Please…

Please wait to be escorted into the Practice Room. Your teacher will greet you and open the door to the practice room. They will also open both doors at the end of class, thus allowing each student to enter and exit the studio and practice space without handling any doors.

NO cash transactions

Showers and dressing rooms closed until further notice. Restrooms will be available.

Thank you for reading through this post, and we look forward to seeing your smiling faces, back on the mat.

Gratefully, Carmen & Lee for Yogamaya

yoga book clubIn the month of April, Yogamaya’s first ever Yoga Book Club will be reading Deborah Adele’s book, “The Yamas and the Nimas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice“. 

We will met online via interactive video (zoom), weekly to discuss and explore key concepts, reactions, ideas and more. We will hold four meetings and

Yoga is a journey of creating harmony in one’s life and etting go of the blocks that keep us from this harmony. In the process, we discover a deeper reality of being, a place of contentment, wisdom, and joy. The Yamas and Niyamas are foundational to all yogic thought– they include:

The Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga

  1. Yamas – right living with others
  2. Niyamas – right living with our inner minds and thoughts
  3. Asana (postures) – right living with our body
  4. Pranayama – right use of our energy
  5. Pratyahara – right use of our senses
  6. Dharana – concentration
  7. Dhyana – meditation
  8. Samadhi – unity or the experience of connection

Thursday, April 9, 2020
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Thursday, April 20, 2020

Cost: $75 for all 4 meetings.

*If you need to be considered for a partial scholarship, or would like to scholarship another participant, please email Hello@yogamayastudio.com or call 707.455.7550

March Studio Update

March 8, 2020

We Are Dedicated to Keeping You Healthy (and on the mat)

Dear Yogamaya Family, Friends, and Students,

Yogamaya’s priority is the safety of our members and instructors. With the recent global outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 (which now includes a few isolated cases reported in California), we want to let you know we are closely monitoring the situation and taking proactive precautions for the safety of our team members and yoga students. The lobby, bathrooms, and yoga rooms are cleaned at least once a day and the yoga rooms floors are wiped down after each class.

Additional Precautions:

  • We have added additional cleaning protocols to our regular cleaning routine.
  • Additionally, you will see antibacterial hand gel available at the two entrances that lead to main studio– these will be for everyone to use to increase club sterilization.
  • Our mats and towels are already disinfected/washed after each use. Our cleaning supplies are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-rival.
  • We are asking all team members and students if you feel at all sick, or have symptoms of the flu, take it easy for a few days and rest up at home.

Please Consider:

In addition to using the antibacterial hand gel when you come in, we’re asking you to make sure you wipe down your equipment before and after each use. Please bring your own wipes. We have a limited supply of individually wrapped antibacterial wipes available at the front desk for a dollar each. ** These are limited because currently wipes and antibacterial supplies are on backorder or out of stock from various vendors.

  • Be sure to wash your hands regularly.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
  • Please consider bringing your own mat and towel to class.
  • Please do not come to class if you have a fever, cough or other flu symptoms, or if you have been exposed to others who have these symptoms.
  • If you exhibit symptoms in class please know you may be asked to leave by our staff or instructor.

We continually evolve our practices, so our team members and students feel comfortable coming into the studio. We are monitoring our local public health department updates as well as national CDC updates to stay up to date on all new information.

Together we can keep our Yogamaya community happy, fit and healthy.

Gratefully, Carmen & Lee for Yogamaya

Join us this February as Jane Ingroff guides you into a deep state of relaxation through a healing sounds bath and spoken meditation. 

Release the stress from daily life and reconnect to your heart. February’s intention is to open your energetic chakra system and ignite your body’s natural ability to self-heal. This musical journey will focus on opening the heart center for self- remembering what it feels like to have real love and compassion in your heart. 

The melodies hold a safe place to delve in and connect to your highest best self. Bring your mat, blanket for comfort. 

When:  Saturday, February 22nd
Time:  4:00 pm
Cost:  $25

Where: Yogamaya Studio
373 Merchant Street – Vacaville

Seva Karma Trade free Yoga program

Do you LOVE practicing yoga? Would you love to be a part of our amazing community and deepen your practice? Seva work/trade may be the opportunity you’ve been looking for.

YogaMaya Hot Yoga and Wellness Studio’s Seva (selfless service) program is a manifestation of our mission to honor yogic traditions in a modern context, and our belief that yoga is for everyone. We welcome reliable, passionate, and dedicated yoga students who would like to contribute to our community as in-studio or public outreach volunteers in exchange for complementary classes. We are proud to be a dedicated studio, and depend upon our work-study volunteers to keep our studio orderly, uplifting and running smoothly.

We ask all seva to make a commitment of two (2), to four (4) hours per week for a minimum of six (6) months, during which you must be able to be fully present and enthusiastic in supporting YogaMaya’s mission to provide a nurturing space for our students. Our students, teachers, and management team rely on our seva, therefore punctuality, dependability and working well under pressure are essential, and we ask seva respect their position as they would any other job.

In exchange for our sevas’ dedication, seva receive unlimited yoga classes throughout the duration of ones seva service, applicable to regularly scheduled classes. Additionally, all our seva may be included in social and educational community events, and are given prime consideration for positions at our studio.  Volunteers who demonstrate exemplary long-term commitment are offered the opportunity to increase their integration with the studio by working additional shifts, or taking on roles involving more responsibility with our studio. To our seva who commit to required hours per week, we show our gratitude by providing all benefits of a monthly membership: unlimited classes, 10% off singular, non-promotional wellness offerings, and 10% off workshops.

To learn more about how you might become part of oru Seva Program please call Hilary at 707.455.7550 or send us an email. we look forward to hearing from you.

Free Information Session to Habits of a Yogi


Join Megan Kramer in this free informational talk where you can learn about Ayurveda, yoga and habit-change research. As an Ayurvedic coach, Megan offers a practical, down-to-earth system that works to nourish your body, mind, and soul.


Megan will introduce you to the structure of her upcoming 8-week program where you can take simple steps that will increase your energy, get you moving with ease, and allow you to feel great in your physical, emotional and mental body.

In her upcoming program you will learn:

Why learning 8 healthy Ayurveda habits for better energy, sleep, digestion, and mental clarity

How to reduce stress, move your body with greater ease, and feel a deeper connection to yourself and your loved ones.

How to live in sync with nature’s rhythms, update old patterns, and cultivate self-love that will help you thrive in all stages of life

FREE! Sunday February 9th, 2PM-3PM . Please sign up as space is limited.

Habits of a Yogi Workshop

January 13, 2020

You already know what you “should be doing” to be healthy, strong and vibrant…. You’ve read books, changed your diet, talked it over (and over and over) with your friends, taken classes, gone on retreats and spa days. You’ve taken in all kinds of information about healthy living, mindfulness, and self-care. If knowledge was all it took, you’d already be the person you know in your heart you were meant to be. Prioritizing your own healthy body, mind, and spirit can be difficult when your life is full and demanding. 

What does it take to make real, lasting changes in your life?

Become the kind of person who loves and accepts all the parts of themselves. Be the happy, healthy, confident, vibrant person you are meant to be.

  • Want to slow down time, feel more energetic, light, and joyful?
  • Feel at ease in your body, know your worth, and love yourself completely?
  • Want a deep sense of self, a reservoir of energy that sustains you through the highs and lows of life?
  • Know deep down that cultivating true self-care and self-love will allow you to be and give even more to the people, work, and community you care about?

Join Megan Kramer in an 8-week transformational journey to feeling more aligned, strong, and joyful based in Ayurveda with the support of modern behavioral science.

She’ll guide you to learn and practice simple steps that will increase your energy, get you moving with ease, and allow you to feel great in your physical, emotional and mental body.

We use yoga, Ayurveda and habit-change research in a practical, down-to-earth system that works to nourish your body, mind, and soul.


  • 8 healthy Ayurveda habits for better energy, sleep, digestion, and mental clarity
  • How to reduce stress, move your body with greater ease, and feel a deeper connection to yourself and your loved ones
  • How to live in sync with nature’s rhythms, update old patterns and beliefs, and cultivate self-love that will help you thrive in all stages of life


  • Replace overwhelm and depletion with enthusiasm for life and energy in deep reserve
  • Sleep well and wake up restored, rested, relaxed, and ready to take on the day
  • Choose foods that can be easily digested and assimilated into your system; and stabilize at a weight that feels good and healthy to you
  • Tap into your creative power to express your ideas, feel your feelings, and open yourself to more, bigger possibilities
  • Align with your core values and deepest desires and live from a place of integrity and ease

8 Week Workshop Details:
Every Tuesday from 12pm-1pm
Starts – Tuesday, February 25th
Cost: $400

Bineti Vitta vacaville ca yoga

Usher in the New Year with Hot Hatha yoga and friends!

90 minutes of moving meditation to burn off what’s been stuck and sticky in our minds and hearts over the past year, and invite in what we want and need for 2020. Are you ready?

Join Bineti Vitta at Yogamaya’s Hot Hatha 26+2, 9:00 AM on New Year’s Eve Morning.

This All Levels, Bikram method class is a complete practice that addresses the entire body. Also called “Hot Yoga” or “Traditional Hot Yoga” this practice will help you build strength & balance while increasing flexibility.

It is recommended for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. Runners, cyclists and other athletes, as well as desk warriors, will find this class challenging yet so beneficial in giving back to the body, building strength, restoring range of motion, lengthening muscles and improving circulation. It’s a tune-up for the body!

The repetition of approximately 26 poses along with precise instructions on how to safely move in and out of poses will help you develop a solid foundation for your yoga practice.

Join us on New Year’s Eve to stretch, sweat, and smile your way into 2020.

Tuesday 12/31/2019
9:00 AM
Usual class rates apply.
