March Studio Update
March 8, 2020
We Are Dedicated to Keeping You Healthy (and on the mat)
Dear Yogamaya Family, Friends, and Students,
Yogamaya’s priority is the safety of our members and instructors. With the recent global outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 (which now includes a few isolated cases reported in California), we want to let you know we are closely monitoring the situation and taking proactive precautions for the safety of our team members and yoga students. The lobby, bathrooms, and yoga rooms are cleaned at least once a day and the yoga rooms floors are wiped down after each class.
Additional Precautions:
- We have added additional cleaning protocols to our regular cleaning routine.
- Additionally, you will see antibacterial hand gel available at the two entrances that lead to main studio– these will be for everyone to use to increase club sterilization.
- Our mats and towels are already disinfected/washed after each use. Our cleaning supplies are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-rival.
- We are asking all team members and students if you feel at all sick, or have symptoms of the flu, take it easy for a few days and rest up at home.
Please Consider:
In addition to using the antibacterial hand gel when you come in, we’re asking you to make sure you wipe down your equipment before and after each use. Please bring your own wipes. We have a limited supply of individually wrapped antibacterial wipes available at the front desk for a dollar each. ** These are limited because currently wipes and antibacterial supplies are on backorder or out of stock from various vendors.
- Be sure to wash your hands regularly.
- Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
- Please consider bringing your own mat and towel to class.
- Please do not come to class if you have a fever, cough or other flu symptoms, or if you have been exposed to others who have these symptoms.
- If you exhibit symptoms in class please know you may be asked to leave by our staff or instructor.
We continually evolve our practices, so our team members and students feel comfortable coming into the studio. We are monitoring our local public health department updates as well as national CDC updates to stay up to date on all new information.
Together we can keep our Yogamaya community happy, fit and healthy.
Gratefully, Carmen & Lee for Yogamaya